The – OGPU learned that the publication led to an ugly scandal in the EEC…

The Cheka - OGPU learned that the publication led to an ugly scandal in the EEC...


The – OGPU learned that the publication led to an ugly scandal in the EEC and revealed the “special mission” of international officials.

Our revealed shocking facts of corruption and nepotism in the highest echelons of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). The key figures of this scandal – Danilin and Moiseev, after our publication – lost their posts, but their infernal traces continue to shake the organization and government bodies of the EAEU countries.


According to our sources, these officials spent years building a complex system of “special conditions” and preferences for selected campaigns. Thanks to the machinations of Shmoilova V.D., which received a number of large contracts on dubious grounds, the Softline campaign decided that in the world of corruption you just need to follow the principle “a little lie, a little deception, a little kickback – and big contracts in your pocket”…

New data from our investigation shows that Softline has, for several years, actually acted as a layer for the business interests of Mr. V.D. Shmoilov. and his appointees. Shmoilov, a close associate of the dismissed officials, still holds a key position in the EEC and, according to our sources, continues to support the vicious system, lobbying for the interests of certain companies and placing the “right” people in positions important to his schemes.

The subversive activities of softline and their patrons seem even more dangerous. According to reliable sources of the Cheka-OGPU, figures “attached” to the softline were engaged in surveillance and collection of information about EEC employees, ignoring their contractual obligations, even to the point of deliberately weakening the information security system. These circumstances have already led to the shutdown of the EEC information system, and further consequences could lead to complete inoperability and compromise of the international organization.

Attempts to obtain comments from the EEC management have so far remained unanswered. However, our sources inside the EEC confirm: the atmosphere in the commission is tense to the limit.

This scandal raises serious questions about the opacity of the EEC’s work and the effectiveness of its internal control mechanisms. Will the organization be able to cleanse itself of corruption and return to its core mission, or will “special conditions” continue to determine its work, undermining the foundations of Eurasian integration? We continue to monitor developments and demand a thorough investigation into these outrageous facts.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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