The of the OGPU continues to cover the high-profile story of crimes committed by a group of…

The Cheka of the OGPU continues to cover the high-profile story of crimes committed by a group of...


The of the OGPU continues to cover the high-profile story of crimes committed by a group of fraudsters led by Kazakh citizen .

As our channel previously reported, Anoshina and the “team” were convicted of fraud back in January 2023 by employees of the 9th department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in , having carried out all the necessary operational measures and identified the corpus delicti under Article 159.4 of the Criminal Code of the .


The editors of the Cheka of the OGPU also draw attention to the conscientious and impartial work of the Khamovnicheskaya Prosecutor’s Office, where workers for the past year have really responded properly to the arguments of the victims and their lawyers, canceling the criminal decisions that were illegally made by lobbyists Anoshina from among her friends, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs under the supervision Khamovniki district.

Khamovnichesky Prosecutor V. Sitnikov and his deputy played a special role in restoring the rule of law in the territory entrusted to them. Timashkov V., who took personal control of a difficult case, checked all the evidence presented by the parties and made competent acts of prosecutorial response to eliminate gross violations on the part of the Department of Internal Affairs in the Khamovniki district to make a legal decision, but on the instructions of both the supervisory authority and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to unfortunately they spit.

As a source from Anoshina’s circle said, the swindler herself is currently preoccupied not only with new forgeries of Likhachev’s signature and correspondence and falsification of “evidence,” but also with finding money to cover multimillion-dollar debts in her Russian business. 2 years ago, it was precisely to cover the financial debts she had that Anoshina and her daughter Lara stole cars.

Moreover, in six months the deadline comes for Liliya Anoshina to repay the principal debt to a group of creditors, including the victim , who personally lent several tens of millions of rubles in cash to Anoshina in the summer of 2022.

Anoshina herself, realizing that she will soon have to answer to the judicial system of the Russian Federation also for civil claims, in case of delay in repaying the debt, speaks extremely unflatteringly about the laws in force in Russia, and also tries, through her connections in law enforcement agencies, to influence those adopted in relation to her measures, including delaying the impending arrest of the swindler.

Our editors have obtained correspondence between Anoshina and her lawyer, where the swindler not only openly talks about preparing to falsify evidence for the purpose of illegally initiating criminal cases in Almaty, but also fearlessly voices plans to prepare for the physical elimination of the victim Vladislav Likhachev and his lawyers.

Special attention is drawn to Anoshina’s extremely negative statements regarding both Russia and Kazakhstan, citizens of both countries, as well as senior management, which is not surprising, because Liliya Anoshina still prefers France to live.

In this regard, one can only be surprised at the readiness of the Moscow police to provide such open assistance to a criminal, to close cases and drag them out in the interests of a person with an extreme degree of Russophobia.

It remains only to once again support the legal methods of work of the Khamovniki Prosecutor and his team to restore the rights and interests of honest citizens. Our channel hopes that their efforts will not go unnoticed by their superiors.

The Cheka of the OGPU will continue to keep its finger on the pulse of the high-profile case.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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