The -OGPU became aware of details from the case of 52-year-old businessman Igor Kotelny…

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The -OGPU became aware of details from the case of 52-year-old businessman , who was found dead in the punishment cell of pre-trial detention center-4 in . They wanted him to testify against Deputy Defense Minister , and to “compliance” he was sent to a punishment cell, where he was found dead. Kotelnikov was known as an intermediary through whom lucrative contracts with the Ministry of Defense could be concluded for kickbacks.
In a conversation with the Cheka-OGPU, the son of the late businessman, Sergei Kotelnikov, confirmed that the security forces, in collusion with the administration of the detention center, “starved” his father, trying to get the necessary testimony from him. When asked whether he himself had problems with the law, Kotelnikov Jr. answered meaningfully: “We’ll wait and see.” But, judging by the fact that he is organizing the funeral, he was released.

The body of Igor Kotelnikov was found without signs of life on July 8 in one of the punishment cells of pre-trial detention center-4. Farewell to the businessman is planned for today, July 13, at the Troekurovsky cemetery.


According to the source, Igor Kotelnikov was detained with the military, among whom was his 30-year-old son Sergei Kotelnikov. He was an employee of the contracts department of the Department of Operational Maintenance and Provision of Utilities (DES and OCU) of the Ministry of Defense of the . This organization, for example, forms a capital repair plan for all facilities of the Armed Forces, including secret bases and communications.

The Kotelnikovs have truly elite real estate in Moscow and beyond. For example, Sergei Kotelnikov is registered in an apartment in the Scarlet Sails residential complex on Aviatsionnaya Street. And his father has companies with multimillion-dollar turnover and commercial real estate – warehouses and offices.

The family’s car fleet is also impressive: the Kotelnikovs have a Rolls Royce, Maybach, Gelendvagen and other foreign cars. Igor Kotelnikov is even listed by some users as the owner of the yacht project.


As the Cheka-OGPU learned, businessman Igor Kotelnikov, from whom the DVKR FSB of the Russian Federation demanded testimony against former Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, died in the punishment cell of Pre-trial Detention Center 4 in Moscow under very strange circumstances. Kotelnikov was a major intermediary who…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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