As the -OGPU learned, in the punishment cell of Pre-trial Detention Center 4 in , under very strange circumstances…

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As the -OGPU learned, businessman , from whom the DVKR FSB of the demanded testimony against former Deputy Defense Minister , died in the punishment cell of Pre-trial Detention Center 4 in under very strange circumstances. Kotelnikov was a major intermediary who, through the top leadership of the Ministry of Defense, organized contracts with this department.

Igor Kotelnikov was in custody on charges under Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (giving a bribe). In business circles, he was known as a person who, for kickbacks, could organize profitable and large contracts through the Ministry of Defense. According to the source, officers of the DVKR FSB of the Russian Federation repeatedly came to him in the pre-trial detention center and forced him to admit guilt and testify against Timur Ivanov and a number of other officials of the Moscow Region. However, Kotelnikov refused. Then pressure came into play from the administration of the pre-trial detention center. He was sent to a punishment cell, where he became ill. After 2 days, the doctors concluded that due to chronic illnesses, Kotelnikov could not be kept in a punishment cell. He was transferred to a cell, but the management of the pre-trial detention center (apparently at the behest of the FSB) almost immediately sent him back to the punishment cell (the temperature there was above 40 degrees), where his body was discovered the next morning. The cause of death was given as standard for the FSIN system – a blood clot broke loose.



Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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