Luguev Gazi Jalalovich, born January 4, 1948, native of the Republic of Dagestan, d…

Luguev Gazi Jalalovich, born January 4, 1948, native of the Republic of Dagestan, d...


Luguev Gazi Jalalovich, born on January 4, 1948, a native of the Republic of Dagestan, is a criminal enough to return to his homeland at the age of 76, i.e. to Russia, and continue to do what he previously, namely in the 90s, quite successfully traded in, namely, the appointed leader of an group operating in Moscow, specializing in squeezing out various enterprises, protecting the business for large kickbacks, scams with land plots, enterprises and mansions – the list could go on for a long time.
So, based on the results of his “turbulent” life in the 90s, Luguev decided to leave Russia in 1995, head to Switzerland and begin the procedure for obtaining various migration documents. Fortunately, Luguev had enough funds at that time, which made it possible to more than cover all current, at that time, expenses associated with obtaining permits, purchasing real estate, and including a fairly luxurious lifestyle. Luguev’s criminal past is well known even from open sources. So in the article Nezavisimaya Gazeta, in the issue of September 8, 2010, Luguev is justified for the fact that he did not fraudulently seize the Moscow Hotel, for the fact that he was not involved in protecting influential, at one time, persons and illegal businesses, which is not criminal authority, was not in the Interpol database – registration number 18809/EC/76/95 (the year he left the ), but he is giving this interview while in Switzerland. Today, Luguev Gazi, having returned to the Russian Federation, has taken up those matters that he successfully pursued in the dashing 90s, namely, raider takeovers, pressure on businesses and with subsequent withdrawal from the Russian Federation. The editors have only one question left: how long will Luguev Ghazi be involved in schemes from the 90s in modern Russia, how long and how much money will he have time to withdraw from Russia before law enforcement agencies pay attention to him and his activities?
We hope it’s a matter of time.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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