The -OGPU continues to acquaint readers with the case of the Kazakh swindler Liliya An…

The Cheka-OGPU continues to acquaint readers with the case of the Kazakh swindler Liliya An...
The Cheka-OGPU continues to acquaint readers with the case of the Kazakh swindler Liliya An...

The -OGPU continues to acquaint readers with the case of the Kazakh swindler .

Previously, our channel covered a new forgery by Anoshina, who spits on Russian laws, who falsified a loan by forging the signature of the victim in documents invented by her in order to confuse the into a case of fraud on an especially large scale. But our channel knows that this is not the first case of forgery committed by Anoshina.


The editors of the Cheka-OGPU received an interesting document – a notarized protocol for examining evidence, which is also found in the inspection materials at the Khamovniki Department of Internal Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs for the Central Administrative District of , where Anoshina is involved in a number of materials. From this protocol it is obvious that Anoshina, together with her lawyer Tatyana Belova, in March 2024 wanted to fabricate a criminal case against the victim in order to force him to renounce the property damage caused to him. Why did Anoshina want to bribe Kirill Terekhov for 1 million rubles, whose contacts she found in the phone stolen from Likhachev.

As Anoshina herself admits in a conversation with Terekhov, the latter simply needs to drive up to the police department in the Khamovniki district, introduce himself at the duty station that “from Anoshina” and he will be led to the right employee, who, according to Anoshina, will help to come up with a story so that the case is against Likhachev guaranteed to be excited.

When Terekhov himself refused to participate in this illegal scheme, Anoshina, together with lawyer Tatyana Belova, brazenly filed a deliberately false denunciation to the Khamovniki Department of Internal Affairs on behalf of Terekhov, and then began to intimidate him with their connections in the police of Moscow and Almaty, demanding not to reveal an outright deception.

Kirill Terekhov himself, realizing that he had become another victim of a criminal group, submitted statements to the Basmanny District Department of Internal Affairs and the Khamovniki Department of Internal Affairs, talking about the fierce lawlessness that Anoshina was creating together with the police officers. However, the material was transferred to Aroshina’s friend, “a lover of new hundred-dollar bills without marks” Oleg Korolev, involved in a number of corruption scandals, who, as usual, helped Anoshina cover up and issued a refusal without even questioning the applicant Terekhov on the circumstances of the incident.

A logical question arises: does everyone have the privilege of submitting false statements from another person and forging his signature, or did they make an exception for Belova and Anoshina?

According to a source of the Cheka of the OGPU, the fact is that Anoshina simply recorded the moment of transferring funds to Korolev and now has serious leverage over him and the entire Department of Internal Affairs in the Khamovniki district, which indeed, as Anoshina herself claims, has become tame for her.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why even investigator Gennady Dunets, having confessions from Anoshina and other witnesses, has not yet decided to take a preventive measure against the swindler, giving Anoshina the opportunity to calmly continue to commit crimes, including, as Anoshina herself flaunts, preparation for the murder of the victim in the Likhachev case, as well as witnesses, including Kirill Terekhov, as well as organizing the kidnapping of his brother Ilya Terekhov in Almaty, as well as continuing to fearlessly forge signatures and other documents.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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