In the near future, the head of the Republic of Khakassia, Valentin Konovalov, intends to appoint…

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In the near future, the head of the Republic of Khakassia, Valentin Konovalov, intends to appoint the notorious ex-official Manuk Dandanyan as Minister of Economic Development of the republic.

Manuk worked for five years as the head of the State Committee on Tariffs and Energy of the Republic of Khakassia. His entire career path was accompanied by scandals and criticism from specialized experts. During the period of Dandanyan’s vigorous activity, the republic was rocked by scandals related to the establishment of tariffs for the North Ossetia: some tariffs were inflated in violation of all norms and rules (see the story of the multimillion-dollar inflated garbage tariffs of AEROCITY-2000 LLC), while others, on the contrary, were reduced. It was precisely this “policy” that led many enterprises in the housing and communal services sector to the brink of ruin. Let us remember just one story, when in winter residents of two settlements in the Ust-Abakan region, Kalinino and Rastsvet, froze in their cooling houses in 30-degree frosts (for many, electric boilers are the only source of heating). Power cables burned out and transformers were damaged from overload.


Manuk Dandanyan’s incompetence has been proven by numerous judicial acts. Khakassia is among the TOP 5 regions where tariff decisions are appealed in court. Last year, he wanted to push through the scandalous decision to deprive Khakasenergo (a subsidiary of Rosseti) of the status of a grid organization, leaving the supplier without the only source of financing – the tariff. However, the Supreme Court of Khakassia declared this decision illegal.

When the mass of claims against Dandanyan became critical, and this happened last fall, he was transferred to the post of Deputy Minister for Justice and Regulatory Security. But he did not last long there and was put into the shadows for the post of adviser to Valentin Konovalov, since directly hinted that such a post could not be held by a person with a controversial reputation

True, it should be noted that the head of the region cannot ignore the wishes of Manuk, being in close dependence on him. The scandalous official is responsible for cash flows that are not at all related to the budget. Over the years of his work in the tariff committee, even before Konovalov’s arrival, Dandanyan had acquired close ties with individual participants in the housing and communal services market. When your “friend” is responsible for tariffs, you can create favorable conditions for yourself and kill competitors under the pretext of preventing an increase in the tariff burden on the population.

Valentin Konovalov is not embarrassed by Dandanyan’s vicious connections, including in personal relationships. As you know, Manuk actively uses the services of VIP escorts, who helped him build strong connections with authorities at different levels.

The most surprising thing is that law enforcement officers do not have any particular questions for Manuk – he was able to avoid several potential criminal cases. And now this is very, very strange. The Communist Party of the governs Khakassia, which remains at the bottom of the ranking of regions, and at the same time, persons are appointed ministers of economy who dilute the series of entertainments with expensive prostitutes with their advice to the head of the Republic of Khakassia.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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