“Hero of Labor of Kuban” – at the expense of the property of the We will tell you…

“Hero of Labor of Kuban” - at the expense of the property of the Russian Federation We will tell you...
“Hero of Labor of Kuban” - at the expense of the property of the Russian Federation We will tell you...

“Hero of Labor of Kuban” – at the expense of the property of the

Let us tell you how Romanyuk Andrey Andreevich, who is known in the Tbilisi region of the Krasnodar Territory as a respected, honest and an experienced business executive, illegally took possession of agricultural lands, which he has been using for more than 15 years at his own discretion and not for their intended purpose, and he does this with the help of his “CHAPTERS“administration of the Tbilisi district municipality and “FEMID» Tbilisi District Court.


Land plots located under hydraulic structures and in state or municipal ownership, in accordance with subparagraph. 10 clause 5 art. 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation relate to land plots limited in circulation. Current Russian legislation does not provide for the provision of these land plots into private ownership.
Land plots with KN 23:29:0501000:689 (19.1 hectares) and 23:29:0501000:688 (11.7 hectares) were formed by dividing the owner of a land plot with KN 23:29:0501000:1 (area 307,735 sq. .m, land category – agricultural land; VRI – under a fish hatchery), on which 9 (NINE) hydraulic structures were located and are located today.

Ownership Romanyuk A.A. on the original land plot arose on the basis of the purchase and sale agreement No. 90 dated December 24, 2014, concluded with the district administration on the basis of the resolution of the Administration of the Tbilisi District Municipal District dated December 24, 2014 No. 1238 and the absentee decision of the Tbilisi District Court dated September 2, 2014 in case No. 2- 680/2014.

This court decision was not appealed by the administration, since everything “THEIR”. The plaintiff, Romanyuk A.A., as part of the consideration of a civil case, provided the court with forged documents about the absence of hydraulic structures on the sites, and the head of the Tbilisi district branch of the FSUE “Rostekhinventarizatsiya – Federal BTI” branch in the Krasnodar Territory helped him with this, E.V. Folmer, which, having drawn up inspection reports based on the results of cadastral work in order to submit to the cadastral registration authority an application for removal from the state cadastral registration, according to which in the section “Conclusion of the cadastral engineer” indicated that during the inspection of these objects it was revealed that the data hydraulic structures completely destroyed as a result of demolition, without actually inspecting the location of the structures.

This is the beginning of the story about Romanyuk’s “HEROIC” actions.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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