The -OGPU managed to find the public telegram channel of the son of ‘s assistant…

The Cheka-OGPU managed to find the public telegram channel of the son of Vladimir Putin’s assistant...
The Cheka-OGPU managed to find the public telegram channel of the son of Vladimir Putin’s assistant...

The -OGPU managed to find the public telegram channel of the son of ‘s assistant, head of the presidential reference office Dmitry Kalimulin, Alexander, who died the other day at the age of 18. The first-year law student at State University, according to his mother, died at home in his sleep, and there were supposedly no prerequisites for his untimely death. Natalya Kalimulina told reporters that the farewell to Alexander Kalimulin was open, since the family had nothing to hide. But, judging by numerous records, an excellent student, winner of the Olympics and musician-drummer led a much more eventful life, and, as one of the friends of the deceased put it in the obituary, “burned and burned out.”

Alexander Kalimulin expressed himself under the pseudonym Slimeball Kali, which can be translated as scumbag Kali. His channel of the same name has dozens of “circles” and videos where a young guy imitates modern hip-hop artists and bloggers, drinks alcohol, fools around and talks a lot about drugs, as well as potent drugs. This is the most extensive topic of reasoning of Kalimulin Jr., who filmed his revelations in the family apartment (on the wall you can see photographs of family members and household items), where he admitted, for example, that “he had reached his salt threshold.” As befits a hip-hop artist, Slimeball Kali recorded several tracks and even managed to shoot a video for one of them, called “Tramaly Krystaly”.


Just a couple of months before his death, this spring, Alexander Kalimulin published “circles” from his hospital ward. As friends of the son of Vladimir ‘s assistant and speech author told the Cheka-OGPU, at the end of March the young man suffered an epileptic attack, probably due to the use of various substances, alcohol and smoking. Kalimulin Jr. said then that the seizure happened to him for the first time when he was riding with his mother in a taxi on the way to the hospital. He himself doesn’t remember anything, but according to his mother’s story, he was unconscious, foam was coming out of his mouth, and there were convulsions throughout his body. In the hospital, of course, no one tried to expose the son of the presidential assistant, and the diagnosis was made as neutral as possible. After this, a couple of days before his 19th birthday, Alexander Kalimulin died.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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