The -OGPU continues to highlight the chaos that is being created in by the international…

The Cheka-OGPU continues to highlight the chaos that is being created in Moscow by the international...


The -OGPU continues to highlight the chaos that the international fraudster is creating in .

As our channel accurately predicted, Anoshina forged a receipt allegedly on behalf of in order to confuse the investigation into the criminal case initiated by the Department of Internal Affairs in the Khamovniki district on the fact of Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the . Having already violated a dozen articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Anoshina fearlessly brought a forged receipt to the Basmanny Court and filed for collection of a fictitious, non-existent debt from the victim Vladislav Likhachev.


Liliya Anoshina is again relying solely on bribing the court and experts. It is obvious to everyone that Anoshina is simply bluffing, delaying recognition of herself as a suspect and the selection of a preventive measure against her in the form of arrest.

The absurdity of the situation is that Anoshina, her daughter Lara, and other members of the criminal group have already been exposed in written confessions by employees of the 9th department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, where they openly say that they sold other people’s property and appropriated the money for themselves and spent on personal needs. They did not bother to inform the rightful owner about this, who did not even suspect that his cars were being sold without his knowledge.

Liliya Anoshina’s task is now to “deceive” the young investigator of the Khamovniki District Department of Internal Affairs, Gennady Dunts, assigned to this case, in order to divert attention from the previously given confessions, which are compared with all the facts and other numerous evidence.

Earlier, Anoshina had already made an attempt to deceive law enforcement agencies through paid posts in Telegram channels, so that her lawyer Tatyana Belova should be recognized as the victim, who in fact did not lose a penny of money, simply passing other people’s money through her accounts, and she herself is Anoshina’s long-term accomplice in various crimes, including car theft.

Thanks to Anoshina, her lawyer Tatyana Belova has already been charged with at least an article on knowingly false denunciation, but according to our sources, this may not stop there and the article against Belova may be seriously “heavier.”

The editors of our channel will continue to cover numerous cases of forgery of signatures in different countries of the world, bribery of police officers, theft of property and other, more serious acts committed by Anoshina and Co., which previously could have been missed by supervisory authorities, which are still powerless in the face of international swindlers and have practically come to terms with the lawlessness and fakes of the swindler Anoshina in the capital of Russia.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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