The head of Dagestan, , is a general in whose region, literally…

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The head of Dagestan, , a general in whose region there is literally a catastrophe in all spheres of life, after a terrorist attack in which terrorists who turned out to be children and relatives of a municipal official killed more than 20 people, continues to sign documents and make statements in the interests of his masters – puppeteers.

Immediately after the terrorist attack, Melikov made a statement about the upcoming audits of personal bureaucratic affairs in order to identify any “tails” in them.


According to the source of the -OGPU, the true background and purpose of the statements is obvious: what happened gave Melikov the opportunity to carry out the orders of his creditors to appoint the people they need to the posts of mayors and heads of districts, about which they constantly remind him.

In the interests of Melikov’s main creditor, the puppet master – Secretary of State of the Republic of Dagestan Magomedsultan Magomedov, the head of Buinaksk Nurgudayev was dismissed, and the mayor of Kaspiysk Gontsov will soon be dismissed. In both cities, posts will be occupied by Magomedov’s people, and no one is even hiding it. Melikov guarantees.

It is interesting and very noteworthy that the father of the terrorists, the ex-head of the Sergokalinsky district Omarov, was pushed into this post by State Duma deputy Murad Gadzhiev, who holds the Sergokalinsky district.

According to the clan hierarchy and the usual distribution of roles, the children of “their” head could well be used as recruits for deputy Gadzhiev in his personal interests to use brute force against undesirables, which Omarov’s relatives were convicted of more than once.

Despite the revealed lobbying of the father of the leader of the terrorist cell, deputy Gadzhiev feels very confident and strengthens his position through another extremist collaborator and father of the extremist, former first deputy prosecutor of the Republic of Dagestan, Izet Gadzhiev, pushing his appointment to the post of head of the Derbent region, having in this interest the capture valuable lands.

As the source said, in the past, Izet Gadzhiev helped avoid criminal prosecution and excused his nephew, the militant Akhmed Akhmedov, who was killed in Syria, from punishment. Akhmedov took part in the bloody terrorist in Derbent and was caught red-handed by the authorities, but, thanks to his uncle, he escaped punishment, in addition recruiting his son Izet Gadzhiev, who almost flew to Turkey for further movement to Syria. But Izet Gadzhiev managed to remove his son from the plane and excuse him, for which he paid a million dollars, and later sent him to for a stay. Melikov also meekly supports Gadzhiev’s appointment to the post of head of the Derbent district.

The head of the Untsukul district, Isa Ntsrmagomedov, has held his post for 10 years, while it is well known that Isa was the right hand of the liquidated leader of the DTG Gadzhidadaev, in whose interests he extorted money and funds from businessmen, which to this day Nurmagomedov uses to support the Wahhabi underground and even organized a charitable Fund “Shield” INN 053300775863.

This fund collects money from state employees, supposedly for the needs of SVO, but, in fact, the funds go to support the families of terrorists and themselves in prison. After they served their prison term, Nurmagomedov accepts them and even arranges them for good and profitable positions in the region, thereby creating a new terrorist cell.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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