As soon as a publication appeared on the website and in the telegram channel of the VChK-OGPU…

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As soon as on the site and in the telegram channel of the VChK-OGPU a publication appeared about the appearance of the former first director of Rosspirtprom Sergei Zivenko, now living in sunny Miami, among the participants of Kaluga Crystal, the ex-official immediately (the day after the article was published) submitted documents to MIFTS No. 46 o withdrawal from the membership. From Russia, Zivenko will return, apparently, not only with love, but also with money – according to Russian law, when leaving the membership of an LLC, the founder is paid the actual value of his share in the authorized capital. The actual value of the share is equal to the value of net assets, calculated in proportion to the participant’s share in the authorized capital. Zivenko had a 40% share in the authorized capital, which means he will receive a corresponding payment from Kaluga Crystal. And how the “American Zivenko” will use the money that he will kindly be allowed to withdraw from Russia by the domestic intelligence services, with whom he continues to have great friendship, one can only guess. Also, one can only guess why the exit from Russian business is happening in such a hurry. Only because of our publications. Or, as the source suggests Rucriminal.infoat the same time, Zivenko began to panic because of the bankruptcy of the “Artel Traditions” controlled by him and the testimony of their general director in an extremely interesting criminal case?

Fear and Loathing in Miami


Ex-official Zivenko is panicking in the United States due to information about his secret business in the under the control of intelligence services


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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