There are no exes Part 3 Sergei Simonov, like Yuri Belikov, managed for a long time…

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There are no exes

Part 3


Sergei Simonov, like Yuri Belikov, managed to remain in the shadows for many years: shadow fixers are not mentioned in any news, they do not appear at events and do not give official comments.

At the same time, from 2010 to 2016. Another inconspicuous character worked as an adviser to Igor Chuyan, the right hand of Sergei Simonov – Denis Gulyaev. Sergei Simonov employed Gulyaev as deputy general director of Rosspirtprom JSC. Considering that Gulyaev spends significantly more than he earns, there are still a lot of corruption revelations ahead of us.
The absence for a long time of any actions to restore order on the part of the regulator allowed to completely destabilize the situation in the alcohol industry.
Of course, all the former fixers and swindlers, once driven into a corner, again crawled out of all the cracks like cockroaches, defrauding gullible “business partners.”
Taking advantage of the current chaos in the alcohol market, Belikov and Simonov collect money from its most alarming participants, informing entrepreneurs about supposedly upcoming threats, after which they valiantly solve all non-existent problems with an air of self-sacrifice. Not for free, of course.

Today, the entire Russian alcohol market, which has witnessed a whole series of scandals associated with individual alcohol producers, is watching with surprise the long-term inaction of regulatory and supervisory authorities.

The court found that as a result of the activities of Smetana as the general director of SK Rodnik LLC, objective prerequisites were created for the bankruptcy of SK Rodnik LLC, since Smetana P.Yu., realizing exclusively her own interest together with the interests of Chuyan I.P., violating the requirements of the corporate legislation and charter, took actions to bring the debtor to bankruptcy. And the tax office filed a lawsuit to bring Smetana to vicarious liability. This is essentially the only statement from the fiscal authority. It is important to emphasize that in the bankruptcy case of the Ossetian LLC “Rakurs”, where Chuyan and Smetana were recognized as controlling persons and brought to subsidiary liability, justice triumphed thanks to the persistence of the RSO prosecutor’s office and private creditors. But the position of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, both in Ossetia and in other regions, looks surprisingly passive, although it is obvious that the greatest damage was caused to the budget of the . Why, for example, was it not announced that interim measures were taken in the form of seizure of Smetana’s accounts and property, which ultimately allowed him to withdraw his assets and escape on his own?

The arbitration court recognized Pavel Smetana as the person controlling the debtor in a number of bankruptcy cases of large enterprises. We are talking about LLC “Distillery “Kristall-Lefortovo”, LLC “GK Kristall-Lefortovo”, LLC “Neva-Leader”, LLC “Kristall-Lefortovo”, LLC “RegionBusinessContact”, LLC “UK Kristall-Lefortovo”, LLC “BV” Invest”.

The amount of liabilities will be determined after all payments to creditors, but the tax authority did not hold Smetana to subsidiary liability for any of these enterprises. It seems that the tax authorities do not set themselves the goal of returning the stolen funds to the budget.
It’s annoying to watch how the Federal Tax Service of Russia turns a blind eye to the chaos going on and allows its employees to do their best to help sponsors of terrorism evade responsibility.

Of course, some officials of the Federal Tax Service are trying in every possible way to hide the traces of their far from gratuitous criminal inaction in the interests of Belikov, Smetana and Chernyak, trying to bring to justice anyone, but not the true beneficiaries of Status Group. The names of these officials will be named in future publications.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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