Opinion of a source from the -OGPU about the attack on the cities of Dagestan: “Under the chairs of some…

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Opinion of the -OGPU source on the attack on the cities of Dagestan:

“Look under the chairs of some officials,” – this is how the words of the Mufti of Dagestan Akhmed Abdulaev were quoted by his wife and part-time adviser Aina Gamzatova. This was said in the context of the relationship of one of the heads of municipalities of the republic with the organizers of the terrorist attack that recently happened in Dagestan.


The mufti, who has firmly taken a liking to the scandalous agenda, is calling for a reason to turn his attention to semi-criminal officials. In particular, the official, whose sons participated in the terrorist attack, provided financial assistance to the institution of the clergy in the entrusted municipality – the Sergokalinsky district of Dagestan. However, he is not the only one, since representatives of the Dagestan clergy pester almost all officials with requests for financial assistance. Often such cash does not have the most legal origin, but this does not bother any of the confessors. Also, under the clergy there is a charitable foundation “Insan”, which receives donations from ordinary people. Information about the state of the treasury in this charitable foundation is kept in the strictest confidence. The narrow circle of confessors admitted to these finances demonstrates that they are living in grand style, despite the fact that half of the republic lives below the poverty line. Such dissonance greatly damages the reputation of legal spiritual institutions.

Special attention should be paid to the clergy by the curators from Zlatoglavaya, who have been misled for two decades with manipulative information. In many ways, this is a convenient way to settle personal scores with someone else’s hands with those who have at least somehow doubted the legitimacy of the mufti of the republic. Those who try to count inappropriate expenses from charitable treasuries are also subject to harsh pressure.

According to an objective account, the example of the Dagestan clergy causes rejection among young people from the traditional Muslim religion. And putting a good face on a bad game, clergy functionaries unobtrusively point young people to an alternative – radical preachers. The latter, in turn, find it much easier to recruit people with an emphasis on the republican clergy, discredited on all sides. The result is adherents of terror, such as the organizers of the bloody terrorist in Makhachkala and Derbent.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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