We continue to study the Verdict of the Meshchansky District Court of dated 03/09/202…

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We continue to study the Verdict of the Meshchansky District Court of dated 03/09/2021. Another Chuyan plant was and is Chegemsky Vinpishcheprom LLC, INN 0708009579. The verdict established that this plant with an unpronounceable name received multiple bank guarantees (together with Tsipinov’s companies) and did not pay for them, which was the reason for the collapse of OFK Bank. Only now the bank died, and Chegemsky Vinpischeprom was reborn with a new partner and a new name, Elbrus Spirits.

The plant is the flagship of the Kabardian-Voronezh friendship (as always with Tsipinov and Shusharev, the plant’s denominations live in Voronezh and Kabardino-Balkaria, and so far, unfortunately, do not live in prison) produces vodka from burnt alcohol and supplies it to major retail chains , feeding the country’s population with low-quality swill. Vodka is extremely cheap and low quality, which makes Magnits and other Pyaterochkas very happy.


According to market participants, Profit LLC (the hero of our previous publication) and Chegemsky Vinpischeprom LLC (Chegemsky Govnischeprom) are united not only by a common childhood (the assets of Ukrainian citizen Chuyan), but also by mature youth: both companies are managed by a connection between Tsipinov and Shusharev and Both don’t pay taxes.

Moreover, our heroes are suing each other, turning directly to our constant hero – the judge of the Arbitration Court of the KBR, Yuri Shokumov. Judge Shokumov, having cut his teeth (in every sense) on Tsipinov (he first found him guilty of the bankruptcies of the Glavspirt group, and then changed his mind and did not admit him, canceling his own judicial acts). No wonder – after all, the bankruptcy manager Kardanov comes to Shokumov from Elbrus Spiritist, who represents Tsipinov in those procedures where Tsipinov needs to escape from responsibility (he did so in Rakurs, but not in Onyx).

We have established that PROFIT did not pay only to the state, but paid all its other related companies in full, thereby clearing itself of money they did not need (but needed by the budget). Thus, from the materials of the bankruptcy case “PROFIT” it follows that “PROFIT” in 2018 transferred funds in the total amount of 153,629,594 rubles to Elbrus Spirits, and from case A20-2804/2023 one can find out that “PROFIT” donated 118,963,156 rubles to the Chegem plant. Not bad for a company with no property and a director from Tajikistan.

Those wishing to study the issue in detail can help the resource of the former vodka king with the dairy surname Smetana. Thus, in the publication “11 factories of the 31st floor” it is stated that the managers and beneficiaries of the “31st floor” group continue to commit tax crimes in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, in particular at the plant in Chegem (“Chegem Vinpischeprom” / “Elbrus Spirits” ). For 2018-2020, they stole VAT in the amount of at least 650 million rubles. Or here’s the newspaper “Our Version”: according to the editors, at the end of 2018, NAMA LLC and Chegemsky Vinpishcheprom LLC paid VAT in the amount of less than 2% of the amount of excise taxes paid (the market norm is 19-20%).

There is another interesting story. Razdolye LLC (TIN 1132651012560) is another company registered by Tsipinov’s partner Nikolai Lopatin on behalf of his brother for bottling “shmurdyak” – products with imitation “table wine”. As always, the company of Tsipinov and Shusharev’s group did not pay taxes and owed the budget 261,713,679.11 rubles. and now he is trying in every possible way to “shake off” his debts to the state using already known methods. The -OGPU will tell you in detail about “Razdolie” in the next publication.

More details here

Tsipinov and Shusharev – manufacturers of shmurdyak and serial tax criminals

We continue to study the Verdict of the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow dated 03/09/2021. Another Chuyan plant was and is Chegemsky Vinpischeprom LLC, INN 0708009579. The verdict established that this plant with an unpronounceable name received multiple bank…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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