The imam of the Central Mosque in the Sergokala region of Dagestan, Abdulmuslim, told…

The imam of the Central Mosque in the Sergokala region of Dagestan, Abdulmuslim, told...


The imam of the Central Mosque in the Sergokala region of Dagestan, Abdulmuslim, told the -OGPU about a split on religious grounds with those who attacked Makhachkala and Derbent.

As it turned out, the radical ferment among the local residents was very complicated, but literally everyone knew about their radical neighbors. Adherents of different teachings (within Islam) from among the local residents went to pray in different mosques, and even the imams could not find a common language among themselves.


In the Sergokalinsky district itself there is a Central Mosque, which is visited by traditional Muslims. Abdul Muslim (currently on pilgrimage to Mecca) and his assistant Islam work there. A striking reason for the schism and on priests was the conscription of parishioners to war imposed by the authorities.

According to the interlocutor, he was forced by the deputy head of the Barkakadi district Medzhidov (previously told the Cheka-OGPU about the state of affairs in the region) and the military commissar, referring to the head of Dagestan and the muftis, to make an announcement during Friday prayers. After this, some of the Sergokalinites turned away from Abdulmuslim, calling him a kafir or an infidel.

Then, many of them began to visit another mosque in Sergokal, where Ramadan is the imam. The imam of the Central Mosque tried to communicate with him, but, according to the latter, his colleague did not perceive him at all. But he did not become the absolute spiritual leader for radical Muslims.

Only some of them visited the Ramadan mosque, and most of the attackers went to pray in the mosques of the villages of Gubden and Gurbuki in the Karabudakhkent region. There, as the Cheka-OGPU already wrote, a powerful Wahhabi underground was previously based there. These same “apostates”, led by Osman Omarov (the son of the head of the district), were building their own (!) mosque on the outskirts of Sergokala – the building had already had a frame erected.

Most of the attackers were related by blood. For example, siblings Osman and Adil Omarov, their cousin Abdusalamad Amadziev and MMA fighter Gadzhimurad Kagirov, whose father is the brother of the Omarovs’ mother. The rest worked with Osman.

And these are certainly not all the representatives who broke away from the general mass of Muslim adherents of traditional Islam. The rest, along with parishioners of other mosques, are being actively checked by the special services.

As for Magomed Omarov, he knew exactly about the views of his sons, but did not share them. Imam Abdulmuslim said that the head of the district even sent his grandchildren to the Central Mosque to learn the Koran. But in a private conversation he only brushed aside questions about his older offspring.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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