The verdict of the Meshchansky District Court of dated 03/09/2021 established that…

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By verdict The Meshchansky District Court of , dated 03/09/2021, established that the final beneficiary of the Status Group group was Igor Petrovich Chuyan and his “local” partners, one of whom was identified as a certain “Kapuchinov”. This is what the and the court called Arsen Tsipinov. Chuyan and Tsipinov are the beneficial owners of PROFIT LLC (TIN 5031096189) and related borrowers included in the same group – Onyx LLC (TIN 0724001425, controlling person A.A. Tsipinov), Antares LLC (TIN 0702009886), LLC “Hermes-Nika” (TIN 0726004887), LLC “Mineral Plus” (TIN 0701000295).

Companies Chuyan I.P. and his junior partners Tsipinova and Shusharev are called “Project South” or “31st Floor”. It was these companies that were responsible for organizing the production of schematic alcoholic products for “Status Group” during implementation led by I.P. Chuyan. the largest excise tax scheme in the 2010s (Pantheon, VTD plants), made shipments both to SG and directly to end customers (especially PROFIT, accumulating gross income), see.


“PROFIT” is the company of the driver Tsipinov – Anatoly Nadezhkin. Despite this origin, at the end of 2014-2019, PROFIT’s revenue amounted to 40 billion rubles (similar financial indicators are demonstrated by another asset of Tsipinov and Shusharev – Eurasian Alcohol Group JSC).

PROFIT LLC, having become a replacement for Status Group, as the central distributor of alcoholic beverages, did not pay taxes (act 02/08/2016 No. 60946, decision dated 06/07/2016 No. 1205). The company was actively sketching (in case A41-64033/2016 it was established that the inspectorate presented in the case materials a search (seizure) protocol drawn up by an employee of the 1st department of Directorate “K” of the 4th service of the FSB of Russia, from which it follows that during the search of the premises of PROFIT LLC » Stamps of a number of organizations were found, including Mineral-A LLC and NPO Agroservice CJSC (the 31st floor asset of Eurasian Alcohol Group JSC).

In this case, PROFIT LLC was represented by S.V. Kozhemyakin, a native of Voronezh. – beneficiary of Elbrus Spirits LLC (in the Judgment in the Chuyan case it is called “Chegemsky Vinpischeprom”) and lawyer of fellow villager Shusharev – litigator A.I. Klishin, allegedly a shareholder of Istok JSC (A40-223234/23-62-1831).

Through the sale of illegal products, the company (and its beneficiaries) received excess income, which was used to purchase expensive real estate (half the Federation tower, apartments in Dubai, houses in Cyprus), and also invested the stolen money in closed mutual funds, and PROFIT LLC, after the license was revoked, manual mode went bankrupt (never paid taxes, optimizing profits with unreasonable expenses).

In the bankruptcy case, it was established that “from the case materials it follows that PROFIT LLC has arrears of obligatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds in the amount of 62,950,017.10 rubles.” This debt to the bankruptcy trustee of PROFIT LLC Leshchenko (on Shusharev’s payroll) is planned to be written off. The tax office does not review the company’s transactions, because The Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the Noginsk region and the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service, represented by citizens Chekmyshev and Soldatenkov, are corrupt.

Instead of PROFIT LLC, a new company of Shusharev appeared on the market – Elbrus Spirits Trading House LLC, nominally registered in the name of an authorized person with Voronezh registration – a certain E.S. Ievleva, who, among other things, is responsible for all financial accounting ” 31st floor” and is the holder of Shusharev’s property. For which the latter, in gratitude, bought her an expensive car and an apartment, in which Tsipinov and Shusharev are now actively renovating, because New and large schematic projects are planned for TD Elbrus Spirits LLC and serious hopes are pinned. In addition, Shusharev actively boasts of new, more economical, but no less effective relations with Soldatenkov’s subordinates – deputy. the head of the bankruptcy department of the Federal Tax Service in Moscow is Yashkulov Mergen Zurganovich, who for the salary of the “31st floor” easily carries out any assignments for his service.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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