Ex-deputy head of Directorate “B” of GUEBiPK Alexey Bodnar, convicted of 2…

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The ex-deputy head of Directorate “B” of the GUEBiPK Alexey Bodnar, convicted in 2015 of numerous provocations of bribes as part of the group from 2011 to 2014 under the leadership of Interior Ministry generals Denis Sugrobov, on June 19, 2024, became a lawyer at the Regional Bar Association, headed by Galoganov.
In 2014, after his arrest, Bodnar entered into a pre-trial agreement and confessed to Sugrobov, his deputy Kolesnikov and a dozen other operatives.
On June 19, 2024, Bodnar was sworn in as a lawyer.
Bodnar himself, as well as his colleagues Sugrobov and a dozen other operatives who were in prison at that time, after their release in 2018, almost again became involved in a second large-scale criminal case about provocations of bribes committed from 2011 to 2014.

Bodnar, within the framework of cooperation with the FSB Internal Security Service, was already ready to give new confessions. Thanks to this cooperation, despite the serious articles under which he was convicted, in 2020 the court cleared his criminal record early.


This time, in the new case of 2019, the victims were supposed to be high-ranking federal officials who had already served time and were released, among whom was even Moscow transport prosecutor Denis Evdokimov, through whom in 2013 the now convicted GUEBiPK operatives wanted to send the son of Deputy Prosecutor General Sabir Kekhlerov to a maximum security colony Sabir – Murad, at that time one of the heads of the Moscow Interregional Transport Prosecutor’s Office.
The issue of overturning the convictions handed down in 2011-2014 had already been agreed upon with the Prosecutor General of the Krasnov, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation at that time Lebedev and the head of the of Russia Bastrykin, after which the ex-convicts were to become victims.
But at the last moment, as a result of the intervention of the Minister of Justice Chuychenko and the head of a unit of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Shkolov (patrons of Sugrobov and Kolesnikov), Sugrobov, Bodnar and other operatives managed to avoid a second criminal case.
By the way, it was because of prosecutor Evdokimov that ex-general Sugrobov had to appear at the arrest station in 2018. In the summer of 2018, two convicts in IK-3 (Ryazan) came to the FSIN operatives, who reported that the convicted Evdokimov was preparing some kind of assassination attempt on the convicted Sugrobov (referring that it was thanks to him that he was illegally convicted in 2014), after which Sugrobova in For security reasons, they were sent for a long period and brought to the IK for the BS of Nizhny Novgorod. After Evdokimov was released on parole at the end of 2018, a few months later Sugrobov was returned to the comfort zone of IK-3 in Ryazan.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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