The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Tambov Region received from JSC “K…

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The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Tambov Region received from Malkom Corporation an elite snowmobile “Taiga Patrol 800 SWT” for 1 million budget rubles. Officially – for the needs of the subordinate Tambovohota.
This is one of the most expensive snowmobiles, equipped with a maximum of 60 “horses”, a rear suspension with increased travel, adjustable shock absorbers, a wide range of settings, 250 km without refueling.
Will such “royal” equipment reach ordinary inspectors? Doubtful. After all, Burans are also suitable for delivering salt to moose. By the way, for a budget million you could buy three of these snowmobiles at once.
It is unknown whether Minister of Ecology Alla Albegova understands technology, but probably not so much about people. A year ago, having barely received a position, she harshly purged the ranks of officials. She also removed the “main hunters”: Alexander Kireev, Deputy Minister of Ecology, head of the hunting inspectorate of the Tambov region, and Alexander Akulin, director of the state-owned institution “Tambovohota”. The reason is “the results of the internal audit,” namely, “the distribution of hunting lands for private use to relatives and affiliates on non-market conditions, the purchase of property at the expense of the budget and write-off for personal purposes, poaching, the illegal use of official vehicles, the write-off of gasoline for non-existent raid checks.” and so on.
The vacant seats were quickly taken by people from the same system, Vladimir Razvodova and Andrei Kirillov. Both worked in the Tambov Flea Department under the Ministry of Ecology. Apparently, they managed not only to preserve long-standing traditions, but also to increase them. On the sidelines of the regional government, new facts of abuse are being discussed, this time on the part of Alla Albegova’s protégé. We are talking about the use of expensive government property for personal purposes, about fraud with hunting grounds, but in favor of other persons. And all this supposedly remains under the control of the new Minister of Ecology, who tried to create the image of a fighter for justice, but has probably returned to her usual “hand washes hand” position.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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