The -OGPU wrote a lot about the history of “Three Whales”, where one of the main figures and …

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The -OGPU wrote a lot about the history of “Three Whales”, where one of the main defendants and the main organizer of the criminal smuggling scheme was Andrei Saenko, an intelligence officer who worked before his arrest as the head of a subsidiary of Rosoboronexport. It was for Sayenko that high-ranking officials from the FSB and the Prosecutor General’s Office tried to intercede. And then, as our publication found out, he changed his last name and became Andrey Yurievich Gollandtsev.

You can talk for a long time about Saenko-Gollandtsev’s connections with the government of the region, about Agrohub Selyatino, about Saenko’s unprecedented and irresistible desire to get involved in all issues, about access to various sources of government funding, etc.


In this regard, it is interesting to read the decision of the Koshekhablsky District Court of the Republic of Adygea Shebzukhov S.I. in case No. 2 A -152/2024 (01RS0002-01-2024-00006), which established that according to information from the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03/04/2023, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, reports from the IS “SPARK” Gollandtsev A.Yu. and his long-time partner Strepkov P.Yu. are the managers and founders of Slavtrans-Avto LLC (TIN 5030038917), STS-Logistics LLC (TIN 5030091396). The letter of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring dated February 29, 2024 reports the existence between A.Yu. Gollandtsev and P.Yu. Strepkov. founder ties, including through OJSC Smolensky Bank, which indicates the commonality of their commercial interests and may relate to the redistribution of assets of OJSC Smolensky Bank.

The commonality of economic interests with the head of Smolensky Bank OJSC can greatly damage the business of Gollandtsev (Saenko) and Agrohub Selyatino, because by the same decision of the Koshekhablsky District Court of the Republic of Adygea, the head of Smolensky Bank OJSC Shitov P.N. recognized as the leader of an extremist association, and all property under his control was turned into state income.


A month ago, it became known about the death of the former “furniture king”, who owned the Three Whales shopping complex, Sergei Zuev. He was a participant in the largest war of the highest representatives of the intelligence services.

In connection with the death of Sergei Zuev, remembered…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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