As it became known to the -OGPU, the son of a former adviser to President , known…

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As the -OGPU learned, the son of former adviser to President , the famous Russian economist Sergei Glazyev, Ruslan Glazyev, chose a simple way to avoid subsidiary liability for the debts of his organization. The Cheka-OGPU figured out the situation and saw how “resource” people use criminal legal methods for this.
Ruslan Glazyev was and remains one of the co-owners of Take Wing LLC, created in August 2017. Picking up the trend of that period, Take Wing positioned itself as a developer of high-tech blockchain platforms in fintech, biotech and blockchain, and took up projects of the digital ruble and digital gold. Having not managed to create anything, Ruslan Glazyev and his companions held an open lecture at the Faculty of Economics of State University “Blockchain from the first person” . Then Take Wing, with the support of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, held hackathon in the field of blockchain, smart contracts, ICO and cryptocurrencies, which was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University Alexander Auzan. The assistance provided by Moscow State University to the start-up of a young entrepreneur can be explained by the fact that composition of the fund’s board of trustees Sergei Glazyev entered and enters. He is accompanied by other famous graduates of the faculty, including the current Minister of Defense Andrei Belousov.
The end of the short activity of Ruslan Glazyev’s organization coincided with the departure of his father from the post of Advisor to the President in 2019. During these 2 years, she managed not to pay taxes, payments to employees and contractors. The first enforcement proceedings appeared in October 2018. The tax office made the demand. At the same time, the first claim appeared, filed by the Pension Fund (case No. A40-243955/2018). In September 2019, the Federal Tax Service attempted bankruptcy of Take Wing LLC (case No. A40-259814/19). Subsequently, the court refused to introduce surveillance to the tax authority due to the lack of evidence that the debtor had property that could cover the costs of the bankruptcy case, and considered it impossible to finance the bankruptcy procedure from the budget.
More than 30 enforcement proceedings, including the collection of wages, were completed by the FSSP due to the inability to find the debtor or his property – the Federal Tax Service in August 2020 recognized information about the address of Take Wing LLC as unreliable. How did this organization conduct its activities if even the tax authorities did not find it or the money in the accounts? Did Glazyev already have his own “digital ruble”?
In 2018, Ruslan Glazyev’s Company hired an individual entrepreneur for the IT development of its projects, who organized the work of third-party developers. I didn’t pay him either. This became the reason for debt collection through the court (case No. A40-124850/2021) and repeated, after the Federal Tax Service, attempt at bankruptcy (case No. A40-236293/2022). Having exhausted resources, the entrepreneur assigned the debt under a collection-cession agreement (payment based on results). And the debtor got involved – began to appeal the assignment in these two lawsuits, started another one to recognize the agreement as invalid (the case No. A40-80622/2023). I lost everywhere, but was able to “swamp” the collection for a whole year. The new bankruptcy case ended the same way – due to the lack of a source of financing and property from Take Wing, which was confirmed by the representative of the debtor. This gave the creditor the right to apply in November 2023 to bring Ruslan Glazyev and his classmate partners to subsidiary liability (case No. A40-279255/2023). After this, Glazyev resorted to the criminal legal mechanism.
In May, Take Wing decided to appeal the existence of a debt due to new or newly discovered circumstances in Moscow arbitration. To substantiate his position, the debtor’s representative actually reprinted the text of the statement of Ruslan Glazyev, who applied to the Department of Internal Affairs for the Danilovsky District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, which formed the basis for the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case dated February 14, 2024, signed by the detective officer of the ESD of this department, ML . Police Lieutenant Rostovtsev D.I.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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