Chubais’ sudden departure to his historical homeland, apparently, did not save…

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Chubais’s sudden departure to his historical homeland, apparently, did not rid Rusnano of his direct influence. Under his effective management, the accounts of the state corporation, under the guise of nanoindustry development projects, were virtually gutted, funds flowed like a river into offshore companies, and the structure itself, despite its status, found itself on the verge of bankruptcy. Nevertheless, the management that replaced him, for inexplicable reasons, instead of unwinding the tangle of dubious financial schemes, openly misses the opportunity to return at least part of what was “mastered.”

On July 12, the Arbitration Court will consider the case on the bankruptcy of Plastic Logic LLCcooperation with which left a hole of at least 5 billion rubles in the Rusnano budget. The conflict of the situation is that, firstly, the state corporation applied for recovery not of the entire amount of losses, but only 700 thousand (!) rubles, and, secondly, the most interesting thing, only after the Federal Tax Service of Russia made a decision on January 31, 2024 on the exclusion of Plastic Logic LLC from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the basis that the company was not found at its location address. In essence, this means the liquidation of the company and the impossibility of bankruptcy.


The story of Plastic Logic is worthy of attention in itself, since these are not just small-town financial schemes of the former leadership of Rusnano, but a project presented no worse than Comrade Bender’s New Vasyukov. In 2011, Chubais introduced V.V. received a device called Plastic Logic 100, a flexible tablet that was supposed to go to every Russian school to replace paper textbooks. The head of government liked the project at that time, and multibillion-dollar budget funds flowed into the development of Russian innovation. Years passed, the device never appeared, and Chubais’ promises began to be forgotten. The year 2022, Rusnano’s subsidiary Plastic Logic LLC, through which the project was supposed to be implemented, modestly ends with an uncovered loss of 13.5 billion rubles. Instead of innovative developments, the company’s portfolio includes “investments” in shares and bills of dubious foreign companies scattered from Germany to Hong Kong.

Now, apparently, it’s time to hide the ends. Rusnano, being a creditor and parent company of Plastic Logic LLC, instead of stopping the procedure for excluding the company from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, submits a formal bankruptcy petition to it, which a priori cannot be satisfied in connection with the liquidation of the company. The management of the state corporation can only throw up their hands – they did everything they could, but they cannot return budget funds

The position of the Moscow Arbitration Court is certainly important, and there is a high probability that the judges will understand the inconsistency of Rusnano’s position. However, the actions of the responsible persons of the state corporation are worthy of the attention of law enforcement agencies, since there is not only a careless squandering of public funds, but also a disruption of one of the largest educational projects, which was once supported by the President of the .


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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