A source from the Cheka-OGPU said that in Rosneft Mikhail Leontyev no longer controls the information direction, the PR structure he created has been completely dispersed, multi-year contracts for PR support of Rosneft’s activities and “attacks” on the company’s enemies with telegram channels, experts, political scientists etc. torn. “Money is no longer allocated for this kind of thing, departments have been reduced, Leontyev is in office, but without finances and real levers for managing information policy,” our interlocutor said. At the same time, he did not hear anything about financial flows going to any other top manager of Rosneft.
Interlocutors of the Cheka-OGPU connect what is happening with several points. Firstly, with the psychological and physical state of Igor Sechin. He recently lost his son and is in poor physical condition. Secondly, the trial of the former deputy director of the Rosneft information and advertising department, Alexander Terentyev, who is the named son of Leontyev, will soon begin. He is accused of creating a network of telegram channels that molested major politicians and officials, asking for blocks. Sources say that this story revealed such aspects of the activities of Leontyev and Terentyev that Sechin greatly lost interest in his boorish favorite.
As the Cheka-OGPU learned, the Investigation Department (ID) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Krasnogorsk City District has completed an investigation against the now former deputy director of the information and advertising department of Rosneft, Alexander Terentyev. Along with a number of others…