The administration of Istra near Moscow has encroached on the institution of property. Due to foreign…

The administration of Istra near Moscow has encroached on the institution of property. Due to sudden plans by officials to develop the territories, respectable citizens may lose their brand new cottages.
In August 2021, the developer acquired a land plot at auction (Istrinsky district, 700 m northeast of the village of Lechishchevo, 50:08:0070315:31). At that time, this land did not have any encumbrances or restrictions. The owner easily drew up a master plan for the land, which cannot be done with a problem property.
In December 2021, the property was demarcated, divided into smaller areas and registered. When all the necessary procedures were followed, the owner began to implement a business project to create the Albatross cottage village: he built roads, carried out communications and laid out infrastructure facilities.
After preparation, a significant part of the land plots was sold, and facilities were built on them in accordance with the type of permitted use. Imagine the surprise of the new owners when they received claims from the administration of the Istrinsky district for the demolition of the built country houses.
It turned out that in February 2022, the administration of the Istra urban district issued a resolution to include the formed land plots in the integrated development zone of territory No. 84 (KRT-84).
Everything would be fine, but the inclusion of land plots in the development program was carried out with a significant violation of the necessary procedures: in the absence of consent and without notifying the owner, as well as when the land plots did not meet the criteria established by the town planning code.
One can only guess about the true goals of the administration’s actions. The owner is wondering whether this is ordinary bungling, helping a competitor or facilitating a raider takeover.