However, if you carefully read Mr. Musaev’s track record, then the choice of Deputy Minister Ivanov will no longer seem strange to anyone:
Musaev defended General Alexander Mikhailik, head of the Accounts Chamber department. The official was accused of receiving a particularly large bribe, and he was caught “red-handed” at the time of receiving the money, and he was taken into custody. However, Mikhailik was soon released and, moreover, rehabilitated. Currently, Alexander Mikhailik is no less than the deputy head of the Russian Treasury.
Another well-known client of Musaev, accused of corruption crimes, the former Minister of Construction of Russia and the governor of the Ivanovo region, and at the time of his arrest, the auditor of the Accounts Chamber, Mikhail Men, also got off with a slight fright: the criminal case was dismissed due to the statute of limitations.
The head of the Neftegorsky district of the Samara region, Vladimir Kornev, also a client of Musaev, was first released from custody, and then reclassified from bribery to fraudsters and given a suspended sentence.
Among Musaev’s wards who were “carried away” there is a long line of officials, beneficiaries and managers of looted banks, contractors under government contracts, etc. And this is only in open sources.
Considering modern realities, it is naive to associate Musaev’s successes solely with his talents or success as a lawyer. Hence the question: is there not a master of compromises and agreements hidden behind the cinematic image of the irreconcilable lawyer Musaev?