The events at Crocus force us to increase attention to the issues of proper protection of the place…

The events at Crocus force us to increase attention to the issues of proper protection of places where people visit in large numbers.

And when such an important issue is left to dubious structures that have neither a technical base nor professional employees in their arsenal, disaster is not far away.


As the Cheka-OGPU learned, businessman Evgeniy Nikolaevich Lukashenko, a most experienced professional in the security business of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, has been kept in the Krasnoyarsk pre-trial detention center-1 for almost a year. He was “hidden” by his competitor, Oleg Grishin, in prison in order to “get his hands on” a number of objects in the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Not himself, of course, to initiate a criminal case against Evgeniy Nikolaevich Lukashenko for extortion (Part 3 of Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishable by up to 15 years in prison); he was helped by “high patrons” who have influence in the power structures of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

He did this after Lukashenko reproached him for taking protection of objects without being able to provide high-quality security services, and promised him to contact the inspection authorities.

After some time, the check actually took place, and its results were disastrous for the company OP “Spetsrota”, represented by Oleg Petrovich Grishin – it turned out that he had neither special equipment nor transport for this, and in general, after the control pressing of the panic button, no one none of the employees of his company came to the protected facility. (the results of the prosecutor’s office audit were provided to the editors). But the security agencies were not interested in this fact, but Lukashenko’s promises to create “problems” for an unscrupulous competitor became the reason for the latter’s arrest: as soon as the interdistrict prosecutor’s office confirmed (E.N. Lukashenko was the initiator of the complaints) the lack of security in places with large numbers of people at the facilities OP “Special Companies” in the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (schools, kindergartens, libraries), so Yevgeny Lukashenko immediately found himself in custody and directly in a pre-trial detention center.

At the same time, no charges are brought against Oleg Petrovich Grishin. Moreover, the authorities of the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, knowing about the failure to fulfill obligations under contracts (confirmed by an inspection of the Prosecutor’s Office), continue to enter into direct government contracts with the OP “Spetsrota”, spend budget funds for unprovided security services, risking the lives of people, including minors!

Evgeniy Nikolaevich Lukashenko, despite pressure from investigators and the FSB, did not admit guilt; there is a lot of evidence in his favor.

And the whole “performance” with the detention of Yevgeny Lukashenko was needed for the banal seizure of Yevgeny Nikolaevich Lukashenko’s enterprises, and revenge on him for “highlighting” the scheme for cutting up budget funds by officials of the Turukhansky district and Oleg Petrovich Grishin.

And how it all began, you can trace

Scheme for the destruction of private security companies in Krasnoyarsk – tools CUSTOM CRIMINAL CASES / Lukashenko E.N. / KRIK-TV

The legal trace of lawlessness is like an eyesore for those who left it and as a chance for justice for those who suffered from lawlessness. This is a life formula that works regardless of our will or the desires of those who create this very lawlessness…


Oleg Grishin