The Cheka-OGPU showed how the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and telegram channels close to this department consistently lied to people. At first, they assured that there were no Interior Ministry officers at the scene of the terrorist attack. However, we later collected evidence that from 17 to 18 pm the hall was inspected by dog handlers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs with dogs arriving in a special car. Immediately after the dog handlers finished their work, two uniformed police officers arrived at the scene and remained there until the terrorist attack. At the first shots they ran away. The Pavshino Department of Internal Affairs is located in the Crocus building; at the time of the attack there were employees there, including a duty officer with a service weapon. They did not arrive at the place where people were killed, and the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Pavshino Grinenko, gave them instructions to “run” to the Department of Internal Affairs of Krasnogorsk. Now the telegram workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have occupied the last “line of defense”: And, they say, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not obliged to risk their lives for the sake of citizens when armed terrorists are operating. It was not their responsibility, so it was right that they ran away.
It is clear that four citizens of Tajikistan, two of whom have machine guns, are not students at rallies, of whom the police do not feel such panicky fear. However, do we need police officers who can only successfully deal with schoolchildren and students? Yes, by the way, while the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers and the Agalarovs’ security guards were running away, it was the schoolchildren who worked as cloakroom attendants who saved the spectators from the terrorists. They, unlike the police, were ready to risk their lives for the sake of other people.
How police officers fled from terrorists
Part 1
As the Cheka-OGPU found out, during Shaman’s concerts in early March in Crocus, when the terrorists were planning the attack, armed police were on duty at the entrance to the hall and along the perimeter. Apparently, this is the one…