The Chairman of the Kirov Regional Court, Konstantin Egorov, was denied an extension…

The Chairman of the Kirov Regional Court, Konstantin Egorov, was denied extension of his powers. Egorov has headed Kirov justice since 2018. Despite his advanced age (he turned 68 in March) and a series of scandals, he submitted documents to seek another six-year term.

However, the High Qualification Board of Judges rejected his candidacy. At the meeting itself, Egorov looked pale and even frightened, and was unable to clearly comment on the complaints about his work.

And their enough has accumulated.


During his work, the judge of the Kirov court, Chepurnykh, was caught driving drunk, and other judges tried to save him from responsibility. A criminal case was opened against the deputy chairman of the Ledensky regional court under the article “Obstruction of justice.” The judges turned a blind eye to violations of the legislation on holding rallies in the region. On Egorov’s instructions, actions of various “liberals” who were now charged with discrediting the armed forces of the Russian Federation, prohibited by lower courts, were allowed. In addition, Egorov’s passion for alcoholic libations is no secret – after lunch he could rarely be found at his workplace in a working condition.

So now his career has come to a natural and inglorious end. It is obvious that Egorov is awaiting retirement, a farewell to which is unlikely to be an honorable one.

Scandals with judges of the Kirov Regional Court do not leave the head Konstantin Egorov aside

From the moment Konstantin Egorov became chairman of the Kirov Regional Court, a whole series of events occurred in the region that undermined confidence in local judges.


ChepurnykhKonstantin Egorov