The owners of the Ozon pickup point, who made a fuss about the service fee, turned out to be millions…

The owners of the Ozon pickup point, who made a fuss about the service fee, turned out to be millionaires

Recently, Ozon said that starting from May, the owners of pick-up stations will pay a service fee, the money from which will be used to attract new customers. 90% of all agents will pay no more than 4% remuneration, and the majority will pay up to 20 rubles. The figure was higher only for 1% of the owners of the most profitable pickup points (about 200 people throughout the country).


Despite this, a group of large franchisees decided that they were the chosen ones. At first they threatened to close their pick-up points, but got by with fake advertisements on the doors, that is, they continued to earn money. And then they came to a meeting with the marketplace and demanded that the fee be reduced for them and increased for all agents – that is, primarily from beginners who have no profit yet.

They met them halfway and relaxed the rules (which is why the number of people with the maximum gathering was halved: to 0.5%). At the same time, Ozon did not increase the fee for new partners

It was only when at the event they started showing real examples of the scandalous people’s income and expenses, it turned out that they were earning millions from their pick-up points, and their profits were impressive: everything is visible in the picture.


ExpensesFake advertisementsFranchiseesincomeMarketplacemeetingMillionairesNew customersPartnersPickup pointsProfitRemunerationScandalous peopleService fee