The tale of how the Ramensky police decided to cancel the decisions of the arbitration courts….

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A story about how the Ramensky police decided to cancel the decisions of the arbitration courts.

This story began back in 2018, when Kamera LLC, which leased premises for a cafe to Avangard LLC, terminated the contract with the latter due to long-term non-payment of rent payments and demanded to vacate the premises from its property. However, the director of Avangard LLC Tomilin L.Yu. was in no hurry to vacate the premises, and therefore the head of Kamera LLC, A.A. Kapustin. the property located there had to be removed to make room for new tenants.

Subsequently, Camera LLC was able to prove in court the legality of the termination of the contract and the existence of debt on the part of Avangard LLC.

In response to this, Avangrad LLC tried to recover the value of the exported property through the court, but suffered another fiasco. Thus, the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region dated December 23, 2022 established that Camera LLC repeatedly sent letters to Avangard LLC about the need to remove things from the previously rented premises with a warning about their disposal. At the same time, due to the further inaction of Avangard LLC, the property was legally sold by the defendant, the funds from the sale were used to reimburse the costs of storing the property, since, knowing about the termination of the contract, Avangard LLC did not take reasonable actions to fulfill its obligations.

Both court decisions entered into legal force, but for an inexplicable reason this did not prevent the Ramenskoye Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, with the consent (connivance) of the local prosecutor’s office, from initiating a criminal case under the article “arbitrariness.” The valiant investigators were not embarrassed even by the obvious fact that the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution under this article had expired.


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