The Cheka-OGPU continues to name those involved in the death of Alexei Navalny in IK-3…

The Cheka-OGPU continues to name the names of those involved in the death of Alexei Navalny in IK-3 village. Harp.

The politician, sentenced to be kept in a cell-type room, was placed in a punishment cell on the eve of his death, allegedly for violating the regime. Therefore, he was “registered” in the SUS detachment, PKT, which is assigned to the head of the detachment, Yuri Konoveev. A 36-year-old native of Rivne (Ukraine, North-West) has been working in IK-3 for more than 5 years, in the educational department. According to his duties, the jailer had to know almost everything: where and what his charges were doing, as well as conduct conversations with “his convicts” once a month. As for the so-called “roof” under which they sit in the punishment cell, PKT and SUS, Yuri Konoveev is the rightful owner there: he helps the operatives organize the investigative tests and is in charge of not only the cells, but also the exercise yards where Alexei Navalny allegedly became ill.

Another person from those few who, due to duty, was obliged to communicate with Alexei Navalny, is the psychologist of IK-3, 49-year-old Elena Kanaki. According to the Cheka-OGPU, she was a bosom friend of the head of the colony’s medical department, Alexei Lisyuk, and used to spend all her time drinking tea in the medical unit’s office. She a priori had to “confess” the politician, and most likely their meeting took place, but soon, in January 2024, Elena Kanaki changed her place of work, leaving IK-3.


When covering the tragedy, many, including former inmates who served sentences in IK-3, in conversations with journalists avoid mentioning activists – convicts who work for the colony administration. And often they do all the dirty work and even illegal orders from FSIN employees.

In IK-3, this model has been working almost since the founding of the zone: convicts from among the “Reds” support the regime, record violations of other colonists, “meet” the stages with newcomers and torture unwanted ones, conduct the entire document flow from educational work to operational records, etc. d. As a rule, the identities of activists are kept secret, since the existence of orderlies in such a form as it is is denied at all levels. But the Cheka-OGPU managed to find out who was the hands and feet of Alexei Lisyuk, the head of the medical unit where Alexei Navalny died.

The so-called caretaker of the medical unit in IK-3 is a man sentenced to a long term for violent crimes (including rape) named Zuev. The activist is on the professional register as prone to sodomy and has the nickname Bolshoi (firstly because of his height/weight, and secondly, there is his namesake Malenky in the zone, he works in a clothing industry and even gave interviews to local journalists). He is characterized as a real sadist and an agent of the administration who will carry out any order of the jailers, since with his articles without the support of the administration he has a direct path to the offended – the lowest and despicable caste of convicts. If anyone dragged the body or did any initial manipulations with Alexei Navalny, it was him.