Now Sergei Sobyanin is making excuses for the tragedy that occurred with the drowned…

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Now Sergei Sobyanin is making excuses for the tragedy that occurred with the drowned diggers and their clients, but the main thing here is that for thinking people the question arises – what about the safety of Moscow dungeons, drains and other facilities? The control center of the KGH under the management of Peter Biryukov must, among other things, monitor the condition of the entire Moscow collector network, predict the condition, act proactively – exactly what Biryukov himself talks about in numerous interviews, as well as the head of the center Balashov And if other authorities should monitor safety , then the control center of the KGH should be responsible for the state and forecasting of the load.

Unfortunately, all statements by Balashov and Biryukov are no more than statements. Despite the integration of information systems of various departments, including Mosvodostok, into a single information field of the Central Management Center of KGH, the Center itself does not provide any really useful information for 3 billion rubles (and 500 million for operation annually) for anyone. Instead of forecasts, presentations are made with the number of requests from citizens, instead of real information, huge albums with photographs of garbage cans and potholes on the roads are collected, instead of analytics, a huge staff is engaged in night shifts and monitoring negative publications in telegrams.

Well, the cherry on the cake – in Biryukov’s office there is no sewerage in the small kitchenette; instead, all the water is collected in a tank, which is then poured into the general sewer. There is no sewerage system in the office of the head of housing and communal services for the project and implementation – this is all you need to know about the managerial talent of those involved in this undertaking. Although in fairness it must be said that Biryukov himself does not work in this office, but prefers to be in the Moscow City Hall, closer to resources.



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