If you are a cannabis enthusiast who loves trying out new varieties, you should try HHC. The relatively new cannabinoid has grabbed the interest of the masses. It is becoming highly relevant among cannabis consumers.
There is high pressure on the companies to produce HHC products as the market becomes stronger. However, since the product has gained traction only recently, research in this domain is still insufficient.
There is only anecdotal evidence that provides details on the effects of HHC. There could be long-term potential side effects from HHC. Therefore, please educate yourself about HHC and the possible dangers associated with it.
HHC Products
There are a range of HHC products available on the market. You can find it infused into all kinds of items that usually include other cannabinoids.
The most prevalent and trendy HHC products on the market are vape pods and cartridges. These include the HHC distillate along with the terpenes. The terpenes help translate the effect of HHC and produce a specific flavor and aroma.
Most vape cartridges and pens contain more than 90% HHC distillate.
The majority of people also favor HHC flowers. You can also get pre-rolls with refined HHC flower extracts. To get a more potent and long-lasting effect, you can opt for pre-rolls or flowers.
HHC edibles are also HHC products that are becoming increasingly popular. These may come in flavored gummies. You can opt for sour gummies if you want a strong punch of HHC.
These cannabinoids are also added to brownies and smoothies. You can take it during the day or at breakfast for an instant HHC kick.
Oils and drops containing HHC can also help you effectively channel its benefits. These are usually paired with fruit flavors and exotic fragrances. The oils have a comparatively lower concentration of HHC. Most oils contain less than 50% HHC.
You can also get HHC hashish. This HHC product is a black or brown semi-solid substance that you can smoke. Moreover, it has a black or brown color. The product is more prominent in Central Asia and South Asia. However, you can readily find it in any part of the world. Most people do not find the aroma of hashish quite appealing. Therefore, if you aren’t familiar with the taste and effects of hashish, then you should opt for other HHC products.
HHC hashish contains more than 50% of the distillate. It is not paired with fruity or aromatic substances. However, most companies have now started incorporating fragrant substances into hashish.
Effects of HHC
There are numerous benefits to HHC products. It can produce these effects by binding to receptors in the endocannabinoid system. These receptors influence various parts of your body and brain.
They can also help release the neurotransmitters, which then alter your brain chemistry. HHC will provide you with psychoactive effects like delta-8. However, it will not have a euphoric impact on your mind.
HHC will not replicate the high you get from THC or Delta-9 products. Moreover, it will have a more persistent impact than delta-8. It also produces a relaxing sensation that will help you combat stress and anxiety.
Following are some of the differences between HHC and CBD.
Extraction Method
The extraction protocol followed for CBS is not similar to that followed for HHC. HHC is present in the cannabis plant, however, but its concentration is quite low. Moreover, during the extraction of other cannabinoids, it is usually lost.
The naturally existing HHC in the cannabis plant is pretty difficult to withdraw using conventional methods. HHC was created synthetically in a lab during the 1940s. Since then, higher amounts of HHC have only been produced through laboratory protocols.
HHC is usually acquired by passing THC under high pressure. In the mixture, additional components, such as hydrogen atoms and noble gases, are added. Alternative methods include obtaining HHC from CBD. However, in this case, there must be a constant supply of gastric juice in the mixture.
CBD and HHC differ significantly in their effects. The potential side effects of CBD are manageable by taking lower amounts. However, the complete side effect profile of HHC has yet to be discovered.
There are no psychoactive or euphoric sensations associated with CBD. In contrast, HHC can provide you with a high that may even get you intoxicated. CBD is a renowned pain reliever and reduces anxiety.
Users report that HHC also helps manage stress; however, excessive consumption may cause paranoia and dizziness.
HHC products can be effective for your mind and body. Monitor your HHC consumption and alter the dose accordingly. You can try any of the products; however, for a more pronounced effect, you can use flowers or prerolls.